The public laughed and mocked us. "That will never happen in America. We're a free country," they insisted. The trolls accused us of fear mongering. The mainstream media said we were crazy.
And now, here we are, with the indefinite military detention bill passed by both houses, and the White House saying it will sign it, granting the military the "administrative right" to kidnap you in the middle of the night, steal you away from your family, throw you in a secret military prison and hold you there for the rest of your life without ever being charged with a crime or given legal representation of any kind.
The time for denial is over, friends. We warned ya! Over and over again, screaming for anyone intelligent enough who might listen, we warned about the Patriot Act, the Bush-era "war on terror," the government's false flag 9/11 attack, the secret military prisons, and the criminality of key people within the Obama administration such as Eric Holder who ran
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