This is one of the most important trends you'll see in 2012 and beyond: Global supply lines are breaking down. The just-in-time system of deliveries on tap is deteriorating. Have you noticed how often the products or parts you need are backordered or delayed? That's what I'm talking about
Something is happening across the planet with all this: Supply lines are getting thin and starting to crack. You've probably noticed it when you're trying to buy car parts or appliance parts. Even many service companies are thinly staffed these days. How long does it take now to get a repair man for your furnace? Or a plumber? Remember when it used to be same-day or next-day service? Now it's often 2-3 days (or even more) before somebody can fix the problem, and even then, they often need parts that have to be ordered...more
2 Cash Cows For A Safer Retirement Income
1 hour ago